AngularJS Directive Design Made Easy
AngularJS directives are cool
AngularJS is a web application framework that makes creating complicated web applications much simpler. One of its best features is the ability to create directives, or reusable web components. It gives you the ability to create new HTML tags and attributes, which can dynamically display content in response to data changes, as well as update the data when appropriate.
They’re a big productivity booster because they let you wrap up a complicated interaction with the DOM in a nice, reusable package.
Making directives is confusing at first
It doesn’t take long to realize that directives are useful, and the ones that are bundled with AngularJS are well designed, but making directives can feel overwhelming at first. The Angular team has done a good job making directives extremely powerful and flexible, but all that power comes with some complexity.
Specifically, it’s difficult to understand how to create a directive that responds to data changes, updates data, responds to events, or exposes events. Basically it boils down to this:
How do I talk to a directive?
This article aims to explain and simplify some of the most common problems you will run in to when creating directives.
Directive design principles
Directives make our lives easier when you can reuse them without needing to read or edit the source code. Then we can forget how they work, and just remember what they do.
If you’re coming from a view-centric framework, like Backbone, you may be tempted to separate your application into view-like directive chunks. For example, if you want to display a list of users, you might create a directive that reads $scope.users
and prints them all out:
The user-list
directive works. I mean, look how DRY it is! However, contrast it with ng-repeat
, which handles only the repetition. Which one could be used in more places? What if you need to display users differently in two places?
A good directive only does one job
is better than user-list
because it does only one job: It only does the repetition part, so you can reuse it many more situations. It’s job is easy to understand. Instead of making one directive that solves everything, split it up into several focused directives and glue them together.
A good directive is not application specific
Directives are more widely useful the fewer assumptions they make about your application. A directive that allows the user to say which property to observe, like ng-model
is more useful than one that assumes that $scope.users
exists. As a general rule, if your directive could be useful in a completely different application, it’s more likely to be well designed and useful even if you never publish it.
That’s enough theory for today. Let’s dive in to some specific examples of common ways you can interact with directives.
How to display bindings
The first thing to learn is how to make a directive that respects a binding: the ones with double curly braces. For example, let’s make a directive that displays a photo and a caption.
The first step in any directive design is to choose the names of the attributes that will make up your interface. I’ve chosen to use photo-src
for the image src, and caption
for the text. Be careful not to use names that other directives use, like ng-src
unless you know how they work.
Secondly, decide if you want to support only attributes and class names, or elements too. In this case we decide we want photo
to be an element.
<photo photo-src="{{photo.url}}"
caption="Taken on: {{}}"/>
Note that I did not give the directive the whole photo object. It’s better design to allow the directive to work with any data structure.
To read a binding, use attrs.$observe
. This will call your callback any time the binding changes. We then use element
to make changes to the DOM.
app.directive('photo', function() {
return {
// required to make it work as an element
restrict: 'E',
// replace <photo> with this html
template: '<figure><img/><figcaption/></figure>',
replace: true,
// observe and manipulate the DOM
link: function($scope, element, attrs) {
attrs.$observe('caption', function(value) {
// attribute names change to camel case
attrs.$observe('photoSrc', function(value) {
element.find('img').attr('src', value)
Alternatively, if your component has its own template, you can do all of this with an isolate scope.
app.directive('photo', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
templateUrl: 'photo.html',
replace: true,
// pass these two names from attrs into the template scope
scope: {
caption: '@',
photoSrc: '@'
<!-- photo.html -->
<img ng-src="{{photoSrc}}"/>
How to read and write data
Some directives need to write data too, like ng-model
Let’s make a button toggle directive. This directive will automatically set its toggle state based on some boolean in the scope, and when clicked, it will set the boolean.
When passing data this way, you don’t use curly braces, you use an “Expression”. An Expression is any JS code that would run if it were on the scope. Use expressions whenever you need to write data, or when passing in an Object or Array into the directive instead of a string.
<!-- no double curly braces here -->
<button toggle="preferences.showDetails">Show Details</button>
First we use =
on the scope:
settings to make scope.toggle
available within our directive. Anywhere in our directive, scope.toggle
reads and writes to whatever the user set in the attribute.
app.directive('toggle', function() {
return {
scope: {
toggle: '=',
link: function($scope, element, attrs) {
Next we use scope.$watch
, which calls your function whenever the expression changes. We’ll add and remove the active
css class whenever it changes.
$scope.$watch("toggle", function(value) {
element.toggleClass('active', value)
Finally, let’s listen to the jQuery click event and update the scope. We need to use scope.$apply
any time we respond to changes from outside of Angular. {
$scope.$apply(function() {
$scope.toggle = !$scope.toggle
How to expose events
Sometimes you want to allow a controller to respond to events from within a directive, like ng-click
. Let’s make a scroll
directive, that can call a function whenever a user scrolls that element. In addition, let’s expose the scroll offset too.
<textarea scroll="onScroll(offset)">...</textarea>
Similar to the toggle button, we map whatever function they specify in the attribute to scroll
in our directive’s scope.
app.directive('scroll', function() {
return {
scope: {
scroll: "&"
link: function($scope, element, attrs) {
We’ll use jQuery’s scroll event to get what we need. We still need to call scope.$apply
here, because even though it calls the handler either way, the handler on the controller might set data.
element.scroll(function() {
$scope.apply(function() {
var offset = element.scrollTop()
Notice that we don’t pass the offset in as the first parameter, we pass a hash of available parameters, and make them available to the expression onScroll(offset)
that they passed in to the attribute. This is much more flexible than passing parameters directly, because they can pass other scope variables into their functions, like the current item in an ng-repeat
How to have HTML content
Directives can have html content by default, but the minute you specify a template the content is replaced by the template.
Let’s make a modal
component: a popup window with a close button, and we would like to set the body as html.
<p>Some contents</p>
<p>Put whatever you want in here</p>
Our modal is more than just one element though. When we make the template, we include everything we need, then we put a special ng-transclude
directive in the div that is supposed to take back over and get all the contents.
<div class="modal">
<div class="body" ng-transclude></div>
Wiring things up is pretty simple. Just set transclude: true
to get this to work:
app.directive('modal', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
templateUrl: 'modal.html',
replace: true,
transclude: true,
You can combine this with any of the other techniques in this article to make something more complicated.
How to respond to events
Sometimes you might want to call a function on your directive, in response to an event in your scope. For example, you might want to close the open modal if the user hits the escape key.
This is almost always an indication that you are stuck on events, when you should be thinking about data flow. Controllers don’t just contain data, they hold view state too. It’s totally fine to have a windowShown
boolean on your controller, and use ng-show
or pass a boolean into your directive as described above.
There are cases where it does make sense to use $scope.$on
in a directive, but for beginners, try to think about the problem in terms of changing state instead. Things get much easier in Angular if you focus on data and state instead of events.
More Information
There is a lot more to directives. This article doesn’t nearly cover everything they can do. Please visit the directive documentation page for more information.